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  1. Abundance - relative degree of plentifulness (Merriam-Webster, 2018)

  2. Amphibian - any of a class (Amphibia) of cold-blooded vertebrates (such as frogs, toads, or salamanders) intermediate in many characters between fishes and reptiles and having gilled aquatic larvae and air-breathing adults (Merriam-Webster, 2018)

  3. Bequest Value - the willingness of people to pay to protect some forms of natural capital for use by future generations (Miller, 2014)

  4. Biodiversity - variety of different species, genetic variability among individuals within each species, variety of ecosystems, and functions such as energy flow and matter cycling (Miller, 2014)

  5. Biome - terrestrial regions inhabited by certain types of life, especially vegetation (Miller, 2014)

  6. Breeding - to produce (offspring) by hatching or gestation (Merriam-Webster, 2018)

  7. Captive Breeding - the process of breeding animals in controlled environments within well-defined settings, such as wildlife reserves, zoos and other commercial and non-commercial conservation facilities (National Geographic Society, 2015)

  8. Carrying capacity - the maximum population of a given species that a particular habitat can sustain indefinitely (Miller, 2014)

  9. Climate - physical properties of the troposphere of an area based on analysis of its weather records over a long period of time (at least 30 years) (Miller, 2014)

  10. Community - populations of all species living and interacting in an area at a particular time (Miller, 2014)

  11. Competition - two or more individual organisms of a single species or two or more individuals of different species attempting to use the same scarce resources in the same ecosystem (Miller, 2014)

  12. Conservation - sensible and careful use of the natural resources by humans (Miller, 2014)

  13. Deforestation - removal of trees from a forested area (Miller, 2014)

  14. Diversity - an instance of being composed of differing elements or qualities: an instance of being diverse (Miller, 2014)

  15. Ecological extinction -  there are so few members of a species that they are unable to carry out their role in an ecosystem (Miller, 2014

  16. Endangered species - wild species with so few individual survivors that the species could soon become extinct in all or most of its natural range (Miller, 2014)

  17. Endemic - found or native to only one area (Miller, 2014)

  18. Ephemeral - depressions with impeded drainage, usually in forest landscapes, that hold water for a period of time following snowmelt and spring rains but typically dry out by mid-summer (O’Connor, 2017)

  19. Existence Value - a monetary value placed on a resource or species just because it exists or has the right to live, even though we may never see it or use it (Miller, 2014)

  20. Extinction - complete disappearance of a species from the earth due to the species not being able to adapt and successfully reproduce under new environmental conditions (Miller, 2014)

  21. Food chain - series of organisms in which each eats or decomposes the preceding one (Miller, 2014)

  22. Food Web - complex network of many interconnected food chains and feeding relationships (Miller, 2014)

  23. Generalist species - Species that can live in many different types of environments, and have a varied diet are considered generalists (Carr, n.d.)

  24. Habitat - place or type of place where an organism or population of organisms live (Merriam-Webster, 2018)

  25. Habitat fragmentation - the process by which habitat loss results in the division of large, continuous habitats into smaller, more isolated remnants (Wiley, 2010)

  26. Habitat Specialists- can live only in a narrow range of conditions

  27. Hybridization - the process of an animal or plant breeding with an individual of another species or variety (Merriam-Webster, 2018)

  28. Indicator species - species whose decline serves as early warnings that a community or ecosystem is being degraded (Miller, 2014)

  29. Intrinsic Value - Value of an organism, species, ecosystem, or the earth’s biodiversity based on its existence regardless of whether it has any usefulness to humans (Miller, 2014)

  30. Macronutrient - a chemical element or substance that is essential in relatively large amounts to the growth and health of a living organism (Merriam-Webster, 2018)

  31. Metamorphosis - change of physical form, structure, or substance especially by supernatural means (Merriam-Webster, 2018)

  32. Natural resources - industrial materials and capacities supplied by nature (Merriam-Webster, 2018)

  33. Niche - physical, chemical, and biological conditions that a species needs to live and reproduce in an ecosystem (Merriam-Webster, 2018)

  34. Nutrient cycling - the use, movement, and recycling of nutrients in the environment (Bailey, 2017)

  35. Pesticide - Any chemical designed to kill or inhibit the growth of an organism that people consider undesirable (Miller, 2014)

  36. Pollutants - particular chemical or form of energy that can adversely affect the health, survival, or activities of humans or other living organisms (Miller, 2014)

  37. Population - A group of organisms of one species that interbreed and live in the same place at the same time (Merriam-Webster, 2018)

  38. Range of tolerance - the range of environmental conditions that are tolerable for survival in a species (Gonzalez, 2018)

  39. Renewable energy - from an energy resource that is replaced rapidly by a natural process such as power generated from the sun or from the wind (ScienceDaily, 2017)

  40. Resilience - an ability to recover from or adjust easily to misfortune or change (Merriam-Webster, 2018)

  41. Ripple effect - a spreading, pervasive, and usually unintentional effect or influence (Merriam-Webster, 2018)

  42. Salientian - of relating to toads and frogs (Myers, 2018)

  43. Secondary consumer - Secondary consumers are organisms that eat primary consumers for energy (Biology Dictionary, 2017)

  44. Sustainable - the ability to be sustained, supported, upheld, or confirmed;  the quality of not being harmful to the environment or depleting natural resources, and thereby supporting long-term ecological balance (Merriam-Webster, 2018)

  45. Tadpole - a frog or toad larva that has a rounded body with a long tail bordered by fins and external gills soon replaced by internal gills and that undergoes a metamorphosis to the adult (Merriam-Webster, 2018)

  46. Taxonomy - orderly classification of plants and animals according to their presumed natural relationships (Merriam-Webster, 2018)

  47. Trophic cascade - the population declines or extinction of species with strong connections to such species and to a breakdown in ecosystem services that depend on those connections (Miller, 2014)

  48. Urbanization - the quality or state of being urbanized or the process of becoming urbanized (Merriam-Webster, 2018)

  49. Vulnerable - open to attack or damage (Merriam-Webster, 2018)

  50. Wetlands - land or areas (such as marshes or swamps) that are covered often intermittently with shallow water or have soil saturated with moisture (Merriam-Webster, 2018)


Glossary References


Bailey, R. (2017, November 7). How Nutrients Cycle Through The Environment. Retrieved from


Carr, J. (n.d.). Adaptations: Specialist and Generalist. Retrieved January 16, 2018, from


“Definition and Examples of Biology Terms.” Biology Dictionary, 2017,


“Dictionary by Merriam-Webster: America's most-Trusted online dictionary.” Merriam-Webster, Merriam-Webster, 2018,


Gonzalez, K. (2018). Range of Tolerance: Definition & Factors. Retrieved from


O'Connor, R. (2017, November 28). Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources. Retrieved January 16, 2018, from


Max. (2011, July 29). Generalists vs. Specialists (And the Specialist's Dilemma). Retrieved January   16, 2018, from


Miller, G. T., & Spoolman, S. (2014). Living in the environment: Principles, connections, and

solutions (Eighteenth ed.). Stamford, CT: Cengage Learning.


Myers, P., R. Espinosa, C. S. Parr, T. Jones, G. S. Hammond, and T. A. Dewey. (2018). The

Animal Diversity Web (online). Accessed at


National Geographic Society. (2015, August 07). Introduction to Captive Breeding. Retrieved

January 16, 2018, from


“Renewable Energy.” ScienceDaily, ScienceDaily, 2017


Wiley. (2010, November). Ecological Consequences of Habitat Fragmentation. Retrieved January 16, 2018, from


2018 by SEA-DISC Sir Francis Drake High School

Endangered Species - Houston Toad

Reiss and Silva

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