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There is a certain patriotic pride about these special toads, and Americans are known to fight for their country. So why can’t we fight for the important creatures living in our country, too? In the simplest words, it would be a disgrace for Houstonian to say that their symbolic toad is no longer with them anymore. The Houston toad is only found in Texas, and won’t be for much longer if we don’t take the steps to prevent.

For Pete’s sake, they are called "Houston toads."

 You're gonna miss me   if i become extinct 

While many people may not be familiar with the Houston toad, the efforts of everyone are important for saving this species - and its role on our planet is actually much more significant than you might think.  The sad truth is that in most cases, we do not recognize the detrimental effects our actions have on other species until their population status decline begins to negatively affect us as well; we will never truly know the importance of a species until it is gone

The Devastating Results of Extinction

The Houston toad is an extremely valuable species because of the niche it plays within its ecosystem.  This vital toad’s importance revolves around its job of managing the insect population, making it a central part of the food web.  The toad is put at risk when in great competition for food with other closely related or ruthless invasive species, but competition and predation and fundamental parts of an amazing and complex food web.  In order to keep the toad from dying out, we need to continue to advocate for the reproduction of tadpoles!  If the toad sadly begins to further decline, there would be an imbalance of species.  This overpopulation can eventually begin to affect other species as well, creating a never-ending cycle.  The results of this are devastating; animals desperately search for food as they wander into unknown habitats.  Having an offset ratio of species leads to further destruction within the environment, causing disease, lack of food, and damaged ecosystems (Maier, 2017) .


As an indicator species, the Houston toad acts as an ecological warning

sign.  From very significant changes like habitat destruction all the way to

even slight changes in the environment, amphibians are very sensitive and

reactive to alterations (Kriger, 2017).  Without having this species to

detect the health of an ecosystem, it becomes a much greater challenge

for humans to be able to do so independently.  Sadly, that means even

more species are able to become endangered as humans are less likely to

identify when problematic conditions occur.


Sadly enough, if the Houston toad continues to disappear then we risk

ecological extinction, which is when there are so few members of a species

that they are unable to carry out their role in an ecosystem.  When this species is no longer eating other carbon-producing organisms, Earth’s rising temperature will skyrocket.  The Houston toad is necessary to reduce the amount of GHGs that are entering the atmosphere.  If global temperatures continue to increase, there are many heart-breaking effects that impact more than just this toad.  Climate change, drought, ice melting, rising sea-levels and much, much more (Bradford, 2017).  


 the collapse of many species through a rippling effect.  This devastating effect can then further lead to the tipping point of a vital ecosystem, meaning that the ecosystem is so constructed that it is no longer able to come back or be restored.  Try to think about a world where only half of the species we have today were still existent.  Unfortunately, that is the sad future we are yet to face, which is why YOU can start today and make a change.

Houston toads feed on insects and other small invertebrates, which makes them a significant, and natural form of pest control. Humans will pay a lot of money to have termites, fleas, lice, and other pesky little critters exterminated from their home, as much as $325 to $1900 (Randolph, 2011). This is possibly a waste of money, since amphibians like the Houston toad feed on the same annoying insects for free!


When people look at toads, they may find them slimy, gross, and repulsive looking and therefore not care what happens to them. This is not okay! Every animal in the kingdom was placed there for a reason, and many follow this idea. The extinction of even just one small but special species, such as our great Houston Toad, can lead to the disappearance and the 

Houston toads  © Texas Parks and Wildlife

Believe it or not, YOU need biodiversity! Actually, we all need it, including all of the plants and animals too.  Biodiversity is essential in order to sustain all life forms on earth, through biological diversity, species diversity, functional diversity, and ecosystem diversity.  Without having all of these great works of nature right in our backyards, life would no longer be the same.  Imagine not having clean water, fertile soil or pollination for growing crops, resources for medicine development, and so, so much more.  


Genetic Diversity

Variety of traits and genetic material found within a certain species

Having genetic diversity is important via the Houston toad’s role, because when there is a greater abundance of different genes, then there is a greater abundance of species, leading to higher productivity (Biodiversity, 2017)!


Species Diversity

The number and abundance of species present in different communities

An ecosystem is able to thrive more easily when there is a great number of different species because then all the needs of that ecosystem can be met as different species have different functions (Biodiversity, 2017). So, in Bastrop County, the Houston toad is actually helping other species too by living.


Functional Diversity

Variety in the processes and energy flow in an ecosystem

When there are more species to perform different functions and tasks, then the ecosystem will become more stable and sustainable, which is the goal!  This also included the energy flow that occurs through different trophic levels, so if the Houston toad was lost, then many other species would be affected in the process as well.


Ecosystem Diversity

The variety of ecosystems found within a place or on Earth

Every species on our planet requires a different ecosystem in order to live.  An easy example of this is animals that live on land or animals that live in water, but it goes much deeper than this into more specific types of land or water ecosystems.  Having a great variety of different ecosystems is necessary, because if there were no loblolly pine forests, then the Houston toad and other species that live there would no longer be able to survive.  Greater ecosystem diversity leads to a greater amount of different species that are able to occupy our planet.


The bottom line is that nature does not need us, but we need nature in order to survive.  We need to conserve our world, including our lands and our waters, so that species can last for the generations to come.  These species include the Houston toad as well as so many more!  In fact, all species have a purpose and need to be protected!  Populations matter.  The question is, are you willing to help?

A toad with values... 

The Existence Value

Life is sacred, and all species should have the right to live.  Many species were likely to roam this earth and land before us, and they are just as qualified to thrive and survive here as we are.  Biodiversity is so valuable, and it is not our place as humans to destroy that.  

The Ecological Value

The Houston toad comes along with so many benefits, such as pest control, nutrient cycling, and more!  It is so valuable because of the astonishing and unique roles that it plays without our environment.

The Intrinsic Values

The Houston toad is both important and valuable to not only its own ecosystem but also all other ecosystems around the world.  If it were to be lost, an entire globe full of species become more threatened.

The Instrumental Values

We need to help protect and conserve the Houston toad species because they help humans to a great extent and provide us with our own gain and benefit.

The Bequest Value

Saving the Houston toad is not only necessary for the environment, but also for future generations.  It is key that we respect and do everything we can to preserve all species, especially those that are endangered so that all others can enjoy nature’s beauty in years to come and provide the same opportunities and access for people in the future.  It is our responsibility as humans to maintain our planet rather than strip it all away for ourselves.  Think about a world where generations from now, your great grandchildren were deprived of the opportunity to learn about amphibians or any other species. Do you truly want that?

The Aesthetic Value

Toads are also very important in our culture, and there cute, small features serve as an attraction mechanism for many places, such as zoos.  Many little kids like frogs and toads, and can be fascinated when given the chance to see one in person.  They have also played a role in many fictional stories, like the frog who turned into a prince.  Unique creatures, including the Houston toad, drive tourism, benefiting the economy.  These cute little critters are critical!

2018 by SEA-DISC Sir Francis Drake High School

Endangered Species - Houston Toad

Reiss and Silva

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